The principal can get the maximum profit by leasing the firm, if and only if the agent is risk-neutral. 有且只有经理是风险中性时,所有者可以通过出租企业得到最大的利润。
The major periods in first four principal components series are also revealed by using the periodogram and the maximum entropy method. 在这四个主成分序列中的决定性周期用周期图和最大熵方法加以揭露。
The conclusion is that the size of terrestrial stress mainly is vertical principal stress maximum and the fracture of hydraulic fracturing is vertical. 最大水平主应力方向以近东西向为主,水力压裂裂缝的延伸方向也以近东西向为主;
The uniform intensity of NUP beams becomes non-uniform with a central principal maximum and small diffraction side lobes after passing through the aperture. 初始为均匀分布的光强通过光阑后变为具有中心主极大和小衍射旁瓣的非均匀分布。
Among so many factors influencing VMA, the principal factors are as follows: the maximum nominal size of aggregate, gradation, asphalt content, dust content or particle angularity and so on. 影响矿料间隙率的因素非常多,主要有集料的最大公称粒径、集料特性、矿料级配、沥青用量、粉胶比和沥青混合料的压实功等。
Endowing the fetus with the competence of civil principal can not only realize the protection of the fetus maximum but also provide good infection with the development of the system of the capacity of civil rights. 依据总括保护主义,赋予胎儿民事主体资格,不仅能最大限度地实现对胎儿的保护,亦得以对民事权利能力制度的发展完善产生积极影响。
The results show that the fault has no evident impact on the maximum principal pressure stress but high effect on the maximum principal shear stress; 结果表明:断层对最大主压应力影响不明显,但对最大主拉应力影响较大;
Using the edited program, the deflection, stresses on three directions, principal stresses, maximum shearing stress and principal strain at any computing point under any number of wheel loads in a road pavement structure with any number of layers could be computed. 所编程序可以计算任意多层的路面结构,在任意个荷载作用下,任意个计算点的挠度、三个方向的各应力分量、主应力、最大剪应力和主应变值,即;
The methods of superposition include average superposition with equal weight, superposition of principal component, decomposition of the singular values and maximum likelihood superposition. 叠加方法包括等权平均叠加、主分量叠加、奇异值分解和最大似然叠加。
The basic jib model under stochastic loads is built which consists of 390 plate elements and the mean value and deviation of the first principal stress in the maximum stress element are calculated with perturbation stochastic finite element method. 在载荷随机的情况下,把铁路救援起重机基本臂模型离散为390个板壳单元,然后利用摄动随机有限元计算最大应力单元主应力的均值和方差。
The tool nose radius significantly affect chip formation, the principal cutting forces and the maximum temperature on the chip. 模拟结果表明,圆弧刃的圆弧半径对主切削力、切屑形状和切屑的最高温度都有较大的影响。
While the mining depth is more than 780m, the normal principal stress is more than level maximum principal stress. 在开采深度大于780m时,垂直主应力大于水平方向最大主应力。
The change of three principal stresses ( The increasing of maximum principal stress, the decreasing of minimum principal stress, the increasing or decreasing of intermediate principal stress) can lead rocks to failure but the failure precursors are great different. 三个主应力的变化(最大主应力的增加,最小主应力的减小和中等主应力的增加或减小)都能引起岩石的破坏,而破坏前兆的表明却有很大差别。
From the magnitudes of the horizontal principal stresses anp maximum shear stresses Xiaguan region is being in state of high stress level, therefore more attention must be paid to strong earthquake risk in the area. 从测得的最大主应力值和最大剪应力值来看,下关地区处于高应力状态,发生地震的危险性是值得引起注意的。
The results indicate that the horizontal principal stresses are very low presently in Tangshan area, the maximum horizontal principal stress is only 7.8 Mpa near depth of 300m, and the maximum horizontal shear stress is 1 Mpa. 测量结果表明,现在唐山地区的应力水平很低,在接近300米的深度上最大水平主应力仅7.8兆帕,最大水平剪应力值也仅1兆帕。
The principal stress direction arised deflexion obviously after excavation, the maximum principal stress paralled to opening, minimum principal stress vertical to sidewall or vault. 数值模拟研究表明,隧道开挖后,主应力方向发生明显偏转,最大主应力与开挖临空面平行,最小主应力近于垂直。
Principal components and prediction of annual maximum discharge in Beijiang River in Guangdong province 主分量与广东北江年最大流量预测
The maximum principal stress and maximum shear stress trajectory both divert near the fault and among the rock mass which is surrounded by the fault and form some range of displacement of stress; 在断面附近及其所围限的岩体内,最大主应力和最小主应力速线均发生明显的偏转,形成一定范围内的应力重分布区;
The prediction of remaining life and the optimal renewal time of wire rope are given according to the principal of maximum likelihood estimation. 依据极大似然估计原理,给出了钢丝绳寿命预测方法和钢丝绳最佳更换期。
The structural fracture parallel in direction to the maximum principal stress and the previous fault and fracture intersecting with the maximum principal stress at a small angle are the preferential directions of hydrocarbon migration. 平行于最大水平主应力方向的构造裂缝,及与最大水平主应力呈小角度相交的前期断层和裂缝是油气运移的优选方向。
Numerical simulation of the low-cycle fatigue damage and crack initiation lives for the bracing members was also conducted by the FE-SAFE program based on the critical plane damage models, including the principal strain, maximum shear strain and Brown-Miller combined strain damage models. 结合FE-SAFE程序,通过主应变、最大剪应变、Brown-Miller组合应变三种多轴临界面损伤模型对支撑的低周疲劳性能进行了数值模拟研究。
With stiffness increasing of the filling material, the maximum value of principal stress in dam body slightly decreased, while the maximum value of minor principal stress slightly increased. 随坝体填料刚度的增加防渗墙的大主应力最大值略有减小,而小主应力最大值略有增大。
The managers ( as agents) may do some things to damage the interests of the SASAC ( principal) in order to seek maximum interests by themselves. 代理人高管可能会为了谋取自身利益最大化,而做出有损委托人国资委利益的事情。
The display of multiaxial load module includes display of load path, the changes of the maximum shear strain, the changes of the maximum shear stress, the changes of the maximum principal strain, and the changes of maximum principal stress. 多轴载荷的显示模块包括显示加载路径,最大剪应变变化,最大剪应力变化,最大主应变变化,最大主应力变化。
The AAM is one generative parametric model of objects that describes both shape and appearance variations. These variations are represented by a linear model such as Principal Component Analysis ( PCA), which finds a subspace preserving the maximum variance of a given set of data. 活动外观模型是通过主成分分析法对给定的一组数据处理在其子空间中保留数据最大信息,将模型参量变化线性化的过程,其模型能够描述物体的形状与纹理特征。
The results show that the distributing of the maximum principal stress and maximum shear stress are mainly under the control of the landform and fault. 结果显示,隧址区的最大主压应力及最大剪应力分布主要受地形和断层的控制。